Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I was super excited to start my blog, but I worked until mindnight and I work again at 8:30 tomorrow morning so I decided to put my priorities in order... blog, then sleep. Tonight im going to talk about cherries. Cherries are delicious, but ive heard people say they give you the shits. I dont remember ever getting the shits from eating cherries, but I figured id be nice and do the experiment so that all of you can be safe if its really true. No need to thank me, its what I do...So, yesterday I ate a bowl full of cherries...nothing..stupid experiment...but I am not one to give up so today I had cherries for breakfast, lunch and dinner (I ate other things too, but I made sure I ate at least a bowl of cherries for each meal.) Now, whoever said cherries give you the shits... is right. Bravo to you. They not only give you the shits, but they make your stomach cramp up like theres a little troll in there trying to tie-dye shirts with the double twist method. So heres my dont feel like going to work? need to get out of a date? wanna stay home from school? Eat a shit ton of cherries. Why go thru all the trouble to bake a pan of brownies with exlax in them when you dont like someone?..just give them a huge bowl full of cherries. Taken care of! I dont feel like doing anything right now cause my stomach hurts so bad. If I wasnt so excited about starting my blog I would probably be lying on the floor whining like a little baby. Glad I could help you out with this experiment..bastards..Thanks for reading my blog.

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